Coconut oil is the method of extraction for unrefined coconut to the cold pressing, the main ingredients of medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs).
The effect of coconut oil:
Increase The new supersedes the old., fat burning
Antibacterial, antiviral
Enhanced resistance, improve immune function
Coated with oral, for eczema, athlete's foot have soothing function
Moisten the skin, hair
No cholesterol
Improve digestion, help to drain away the stool
Suitable for high temperature cooking, frying and other purposes, is not degenerate
Coconut oil contains the most beneficial medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs), the same with the breast milk contains. Inside of lauric acid (Lauric Acid) has been shown to have antiviral and sterilization function, can increase the body's immunity, and coconut oil into the cells into heat, promotion The new supersedes the old., drives the burning body fat.
Coconut oil can moisturize the skin, hair, scalp, also have the effect of beauty. Can inhibit the induced skin disease bacteria, viruses, fungi, relieve eczema, injury, mosquito bites, can make the emollient oil, hair oil, massage oil and other purposes.
Fatty acids in the body will be the rapid catabolism and converted into energy, improve the The new supersedes the old. rate. Coconut oil does not contain cholesterol, and rich in medium chain "fat".
Coconut oil is easy to digest, the human body to facilitate the absorption, not to increase the burden on the body, but also has a strong exclusiveness of toxin, therefore edible coconut oil will accumulate effectively help the intestines, stomach and the body of toxins gradually discharged in vitro.
Coconut oil, high stability, less susceptible to light, heat, air oxidation, even if high temperature cooking, also cannot change part of its structure, produce harmful fatty acid.